
YouTube Channels (Available to Everyone)

Missed the last big contest? Want to show your grandma in Florida or your uncle in Alaska the latest marching show? We have a YouTube channel for that. Don't forget to subscribe!

GOHS Grizzly Band on YouTube (maintained by the Band Boosters)

Woodforest Stadium Live Stream Games (maintained by CISD)

Moorhead Stadium Live Stream Games (maintained by CISD)

Social Media

Come follow us!

Official Booster Facebook Public PAGE, updated by the Boosters, visible to all who "like" it.

Official Booster Instagram, open to the public.

Official GO Flags Instagram, open to the public.

Official Booster Facebook Private GROUP, requires permission to join, anyone  in the group can post and share information/posts/pictures.  YOU MUST ANSWER 3 QUESTIONS AND AGREE TO THE RULES OR YOUR REQUEST WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY DENIED BY FACEBOOK/ADMINS!

Official Band Instagram account, updated by the band historians (students)

Official Guard Instagram account, updated by the guard students