
What is Guard?

Guard is a performing art where you learn to dance, spin equipment, and perform in front of an audience. During the fall semester, the color guard works with the Marching Band to produce a competitive field show that also serves as the Halftime Show at Varsity Football Games! The Color Guard provides visual effects to the show by interpreting the marching band’s music through dance and spinning equipment such as flags, rifles, and various props. During the Spring Semester, Color Guard students participate in a sport called Winter Guard, which is also known as an indoor Color Guard sport. During Winter Guard, students perform a themed show to a selected piece of music with props and equipment specially selected for the show. This also includes traveling to compete in our circuit against the other Color Guards in the Houston area!

Why join Guard?

Guard has a lot of benefits to a student’s life throughout their high school career! Some include:

Visit the Color Guard and Winter Guard pages to learn more about tryouts and commitments.