GO Flags 

Student Volunteer Committment

What is the relationship between GO Flags and Grand Oaks Band/Guard?

The GO Flags program was created by a GOHSBBA family when Grand Oaks HS opened in 2018.  The program was created with the plan of eventually passing non-profit organization, its operations and its proceeds onto the GOHSBBA in the 2023-2024 school year.   That transition began in April of 2023 and will be fully in place for the 2023-2024 subscription year.

How does this change impact GOHSBBA

GOHSBBA will be 100% reponsible for the administration and operations of the GO Flags program.  We will also be 100% financially responsible for its success or failure.  In the past, the GO Flags organization provided GOHSBBA with between $20K and $30K a year in  grants in response for volunteer hours put in by our families.  That money has typically gone towards major educational purchases, such as instruments, equipment, transportation and special programs that benefit every member of the GOHS Band and Guard.  With GOHSBBA and its families entirely responsible for operations of the organization from here forward, our organization stands to potentially earn more financial support; conversely,  if we cannot provide the volunteers needed to run the program, we would lose access to future funding, and the program could fold, eliminating a beloved feeder zone tradition and seriously impacting GOHSBBA's ability to provide educational resources to our students.  In order to ensure that the GOHS Band/Guard program maintains the volunteer base needed to run the GO Flags program, we have instituted a new volunteer commitment program in coordination between the Directors and Band Boosters.  All students will be expected to participate as described below.  

How will student volunteering be coordinated?

GOHS Band and Guard directors will assign every student section TWO  flag placement holidays over the course of the year totaling approximately 4-6 hours per school year.  Sign Up Genius links will be sent to all Band/Guard families via their contact information listed in CHARMS, Social Media and any communication apps the Band/Guard regularly use.  

When will I be asked to volunteer?

The tentative assignment schedule is below, but may be subject to change prior to the 2023-2024 school year:

What incentives are in place to encourage volunteerism?

Community service and engagement is a core value of all Grand Oaks High School's efforts, the Band/Guard program is no different; as the saying goes, volunteerism is its own reward.  However, we recognize that our students and families lead busy lives, and as such, have put a few incentive programs in place, in keeping with systems used by other organizations in our school, district and community.

What if I fill multiple shifts throughout the year?

Students who fill more than 3 shifts in one year cannot apply additional shifts towards Band/Guard letters.  Additionally, students who fill more than 2 shifts in one year cannot ask for additional CHARMS credits (one credit per child per two full shifts worked).  Any additional shifts can be used for fulfillment of volunteer hours mandated by other organizations in the school and community.

Is this program mandated fundraising?

No.  This program encourages a commitment to volunteerism only.  Students and their families are not required to sell GO Flags subscriptions and they will not be incentivized in any way to do so. 

When was this change decided upon?

All members of the GOHS Band/Guard were invited to complete a survey re: the future of the GO Flags program in February 2023.  Eight-two families responded with the overwhelming majority supporting this Volunteer Commitment Program .  The GOHSBBA Board voted this model in when approving the 2023-2024 GOHSBBA Budget in May 2023. 

Where can I get more information about GO Flags?

You can visit our GO Flags website.

Where can I get more information about the Volunteer Commitment?

You can contact our Board by contacting info@grandoaksband.org