
Lend a Helping Hand

For the safety of all students, volunteers must complete a CISD background check EACH SCHOOL YEAR.  Once the background check is complete, you'll receive an email indicating you are clear to volunteer. Please forward to volunteers@grandoaksband.org for the band to keep on file. Only those who have completed the background check and forwarded the email may volunteer.

Background checks for an upcoming school year must be completed after May 31. Background checks before June 1 will only apply to the current school year. Example: A May 10, 2024 background check only applies to the last days of the 2024-2025 school year. 

To be successful, we need dozens of volunteers for every game and competition. To volunteer for Pit Crew, Meal Crew, or Chaperone, please contact volunteers@grandoaksband.org for more information.

Want to help? Fill out the volunteer form and let us know! We want to highlight that ALL help is valuable. You may not be able to chaperone every game, but we'd love to have you on that one day you ARE available. Can't make the events? We'd be thrilled if you made posters for send offs or sewed props on your own schedule. Maybe lifting equipment isn't your thing but you love party planning?  We have several social events throughout the year that need volunteers. Please reach out and share your talent!

Volunteer Job Descriptions


Chaperones  are with the band/color guard students during games and competitions. They ride the bus with the band/color guard students, stay with them the entirety of the event, and return on the bus. They are responsible for bus head counts, making sure students are in the right place at the right time and behaving appropriately, collecting flip folders on the field during halftime, and passing out snacks/water.* During competitions, chaperones may also help with props on the field. 

6-7 hours per event (game days). Up to 12+ hours per event (competition). If the band advances in competition the Chaperones are with them during finals which can stretch into the evening.

4:00 pm start on game days (can vary based on game time and location). Early morning start on competition days. 

*Requires the ability to climb stairs and stand outside in the elements (heat, cold, rain)

Pit Crew

The Pit Crew is responsible for loading coolers with ice and drinks and wheeling full coolers to and from the trainers’ room on the other side of the school. Ensure all equipment is ready for loading onto the trailer. While quartermasters (students) load and unload the trailers, the Pit Crew assists and provides oversight be certain it's done properly and safely. Loading/unloading takes place at GOHS and at the performance field multiple times throughout an event. The Pit Crew  also assists in getting equipment/props onto and off of the performance field during games and competitions.

6-7 hours per event (game days). Up to 12+ hours per event (competition). If the band advances in competition the Pit Crew is with them during finals which can stretch into the evening.

4:00 pm start on game days (can vary based on game time and location). Early morning start on competition days. 

*Requires the ability to push/pull/carry equipment and stand outside in the elements (heat, cold, rain)

Meal Crew

Aids the Meals Chairperson in the distribution and cleanup of meals provided to students before games, events, and Saturday field practices.

1-2 hours per event

3:00 pm start on game days (can vary based on game time and location). Early morning start on competition days. 

Uniform Room Assistance

For each event, every student needs the correct uniform and a complete uniform.  Uniform assistance would involve pulling large rolling garment racks into the hallways and generally assisting with things like wardrobe malfunctions, missing pieces, handing out extra bobby pins/hair ties, etc.

3:00 pm start on game days (can vary based on game time and location). Early morning start on competition days. 

Color Guard Trailer Hauling

We pull a small trailer to all of our marching band games and competitions. If you would be willing to pull the trailer please let us know at info@grandoaksband.org

Prop Building

The band builds its own props and relies on volunteers. No experience necessary, but we especially need volunteers skilled in construction and sewing.

Uniform Washing

From time to time each year we wash uniforms. We ask for volunteers that are willing to wash multiple uniforms in a short time frame. Washing and drying instructions would be provided upon pick up. Includes both Band uniforms (can be washed and dried) and Color Guard uniforms (must be hand washed and hung to dry).

3-4 Hours, timing is flexible